Considérations inactuelles Bergson et la philosophie française du XIXe siècle
Historia Juris 比較法史研究-思想・制度・社会
未来社 2004
京都大学学術出版会 2001
講演・口頭発表等 (14件):
La loi de la nature et la loi de la société chez Durkheim et Bergson
(International Sociological Association, XX World Congress of Sociology, RC08 History of Sociology, Theories and Methods in Undertaking Histories of Sociology 2023)
The concept of personality in Durkheim-----Generality, commonness, abstractness, and universality
(International Sociological Association, XIX World Congress of Sociology, RC08 History of Sociology 2018)
Durkheim standing outside of Durkheimian epistemology
(3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, R25 Language and Society Session: Sociological Studies of Language: Theory & Method 2016)