J-GLOBAL ID:200901018581653667   更新日: 2003年05月13日

芳須 弘

ヨシズ ヒロシ | Yoshizu Hiroshi
職名: 主任研究員
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 材料デ-タシステム
  • Materials Data Systems
MISC (2件):
  • Study of Creep and Rupture Behavior for a Ni-base Heat Resistant Alloy Improved for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor. Evaluation of High Temperarure Strength Data of Hastelloy XR-II-, JAERI-M93-231
  • Study of Creep and Rupture Behavior for a Ni-base Heat Resistant Alloy Improved for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor. Evaluation of High Temperarure Strength Data of Hastelloy XR-II-, JAERI-M93-231
所属学会 (2件):
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan ,  The Society of Materials Science, Japan
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