INOUE, Jun, G., MIYA+, Masaki, KATSUMI, Tsukamoto, and NISHIDA, Mutsumi: Evolution of the deep-sea gulper eel mitochondrial genomes: large-scale gene rearrangements originated within the eels. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2003. in press
KIMURA, Yobuo, ISHIKAWA+, Satoshi, NISHIDA, Mutsumi, and TSUKAMOTO, Katsumi: Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from the Japanese conger eel Conger myriater. Molecular Ecology Notes. 2003. 3:203-204
MABUCHI, Kohji, OKUDA+, Noboru, KOKITA+, Tomoyuki, and NISHIDA, Mutsumi: Genetic comparison of two color-morphs of Apogon properuptus from southern Japan. Ichthyological Research. 2003. 50:293-296
NISHIDA, Mutsumi, SHIKATANI+, Norikazu, and SHOKITA+, Shigemitsu (eds.): The Flora and Fauna of Inland Waters in the Ryukyu Islands.(In Japanese)
Tokai University Press, Tokyo. 2003
北海道大学出版会 1999
Biology of Biodiversity(jointly worked)
Springer 1999
Fish Communities in Lake Tanganyika(jointly worked)
Kyoto University Press 1997