2003 - 2004 Young athletes of accompanying symptom of menstruation
2000 - 2003 女性アスリートにおける月経周期に伴う不快症状の実態
2000 - 2003 The realities of unpleasant symptom accoding to female athlete's menstrual cycle
Effect of dehydration on menstruation accompaniment symptom
Menstruation education in young woman
sporting activities and sanitary items
MISC (6件):
Research of effect on feed back by introduction of real-time measurement system of speed when short sprint is trained, the number of steps and pace. Research of Track and Field sports. 2003. 53. 2
Research of effect on feed back by introduction of real-time measurement system of speed when short sprint is trained, the number of steps and pace. Research of Track and Field sports. 2003. 53. 2
Optinal strength of warming-up in judo game. kokushikan university physical education laboratory report. 2002. 21
, 日本健康心理学会
, 日本体育学会
, 日本体力医学会
, The Japan Society of Maternal Health
, The Japanese Association of Health Psychology
, The Japanese Society of Physical Education
, The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine