Sakaguchi S, Miyai N, Terada K, Yoshimasu K, Miyashita K. Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome and Thermography. Proceedings of 16th Japan Conference on Human Responses to Vibration. 2008. 18-26
Sakaguchi S, Miyai N, Terada K, Maejima Y, Yoshimasu K, Tomura T, Morioka I, Miyashita K. Termographic diagnosis of occupational Raynaud's phenomenon - Quantitative analysis of dorsal hand skin temperature. Procedings of 15th Japan Conference on Human Response to Vibration. 2007. 103-112
Terada K, Miyai N, Maejima Y, Sakaguchi S, Tomura T, Yoshimasu K, Yamamoto Y, Morioka I, Arita M, Miyashita K. Laser Doppler imaging of finger skin blood perfusion: Evaluation of peripheral vascular impairment in hand-arm vibration syndrome. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Hand-arm vibration. 2007. 185-192
Effect of different types jumping exercise training on lowe-limb motor coordination and muscle power in older adults
(23rd annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science(ECSS), Dublin IRL 2018)
Electroacupuncture stimulation and the ability using the stretch-shortening cycle movement in the lower limbs
(23rd annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science(ECSS), Dublin IRL 2018)
2004 - Japan-China-Korea Joint Conference on Occupational Health The best scientific poster award Laser Doppler Perfusion Imaging: Monitoring of Finger Skin Blood Flow during the Cold-Water Immersion Test
所属学会 (13件):
, 日本体育測定評価学会
, American College of Sports Medicine
, European College of Sport Science
, 東洋医学とペインクリニック研究会
, 近畿学校保健学会
, 日本トレーニング科学会
, 日本臨床スポーツ医学会
, 日本体育学会
, 日本学校保健学会
, 日本公衆衛生学会
, 日本体力医学会
, 全日本鍼灸学会