研究キーワード (6件):
, 英語教育
, 異文化コミュニケーション
, Communication Education
, Teaching English as a Foreign Language
, Intercultural Communication
競争的資金等の研究課題 (6件):
2003 - 2006 Teaching Reading English as Communication Education
1998 - 2004 異文化コミュニケーション教育と英語教育の関係についての研究
1998 - 2004 在日外国人と日本人のコミュニケーションに関する研究
1998 - 2004 Study on the Relationship between Intercultural Communication Education and Teaching English as a Foreign Language
1998 - 2004 Study on Interpersonal Communication between Foreigners in Japan and Japanese
MISC (36件):
異文化コミュニケーション教育再考-多文化共生社会の視点から. 純心英米文化研究. 2001. 17
A Critical Review of the Current Intercultural Communication Education in Japan : From the Multicultural Perspective. Junshin Bulletin of British-American Studies. 2001. 17
Intercultural Communication Education-Why, What, and How : A Case Study at Junshin Junior College. Journal of Jushin Women's Junior College. 1999. 36. 33-50