Beyond the Thinking of <<Other>>: The Thinking of <<We>> as an Ontological Meaning of <<Being-in-Common>>. Digital Journal of Fukuoka Junior College Tokai University. 2003. 4
La pensée à propos de la《communauté》apparue à travers le mot de 《partage》 : Questionner le sens de L'《être-en-commun》avoc J・L.Nancy. Journal of the French Literature Association in Kyushu. 2003. No.38 pp.1-20
Beyond the Thinking of <<Other>>: The Thinking of <<We>> as an Ontological Meaning of <<Being-in-Common>>. Digital Journal of Fukuoka Junior College Tokai University. 2003. 4
The research on the modern french thinking in (]E85D8[)cole Des Hautes (]E85D8[)tudes en Sciences Sociales(under the direction of Professor J. Derrida)
1994 - 1995