- 1998 - 2002 Senior Scientist; Virology and Glycobiology
- 1997 - 1998 NIH,NHLBI Guest Scientist
- 1997 - 1998 Special Volunteer; Laboratory of Biophysical
- 1993 - 1998 Assistant Professor; dept. of Microbiology of
- 1998 - - 国立がんセンター研究所 主任研究官
- 1995 - 1997 Johns Hopkins University:
- 1995 - 1997 Senior Postdoctorial Fellow; Dept. of
- 1991 - 1993 Research Fellow; Dept. of Microbiology, Tokyo
- 1993 - 東京医科歯科大学微生物学教室助手
- 1990 - 1991 Research Fellow; Dept. of Paracytology,
- 1991 - 東京医科歯科大学非常勤講師
- 1987 - 1989 Research Fellow; Dept. of Immunology and AIDS,
- 1985 - - Graduate Student; Dept. of Internal Medicine,
- Visiting Scientist, Senior Postdoctoral fellow
- Institute
- Division, National Cancer Center research
- Institute, National Institutes of Health
- 沼津工業高等専門学校 物質工学科
- Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University
- 東京医科歯科大学
- Medical and Dental University
- National Institute of Health(Japan)
- 山口大学
, 日本生化学会
, 日本脂質生化学研究会
, 日本癌学会
, 日本マイコプラズマ学会
, American College of Rheumatology
, International Glycoconjugate Organization
, American Association for the Advancement of Science