J-GLOBAL ID:200901020207460507
更新日: 2024年12月18日
菊地 誠志
キクチ セイジ | Kikuchi Seiji
研究キーワード (2件):
, Neurology
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
- 神経免疫学
- 神経細胞培養と神経変性疾患
- Neuro immunology
- Neuronal cell culture and Neuro degeneration disease
MISC (110件):
Kikuchi, S., Yabe, I., Kawashima, A., Higashi, T.(kikuchi, Yabe, Kawashima, Higashi are co-first authors), Fukazawa, T., Hamada, T., Sasaki, H., Tashiro, K.:Caveolin-3 gene mutation in Japanese with rippling muscle disease. Acta Neurol Scand. 2003. 108. 47-51
Yabe, I., Higashi , T., Kikuchi, S., Sasaki, H., Fukazawa, T., Yoshida, K., Tashiro, K.: Gene mutations causing distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles with inflammation,. Neurology. 2003. 61. 384-386
Tajima, Y., Kishimoto, R., Sudoh, K., Matsumoto, A., Miyazaki, Y., Kikuchi, S., Tashiro, L.: spinal magnetic resonance alteration in human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I-associated myelopathy patients before and after immunomodulating treatments. J Neurol. 2003. 250. 750-753
Ogata, A., Kikuchi, S., Tashiro, K.: An experimental rat model of Parkinsonn's desease induced by Japanese encephalitis virus,. Biogenic Amines. 2003. 17. 321-334
Murata J, Kitagawa M, Uesugi H, Saito H, Iwasaki Y, Kikuchi S, Tashiro K, Sawamura Y: Electrical stimulation of the posterior subthalamic area for the treatment of intractable proximal tremor. J Neurosurg. 2003. 99. 708-715
学位 (1件):
所属学会 (4件):
, 日本神経治療学会
, 日本神経免疫学会
, 日本神経学会