Kayoko Tsunematsu, Atsushi Asai, Yasuhiro Kadooka. Moral conflicts from the justice and care perspectives of Japanese nurses: a qualitative content analysis. BMC medical ethics. 2023. 24. 1. 79-79
Kayoko Tsunematsu, Yuko Fukumoto, Keiko Yanai. Ethical Issues Encountered by Forensic Psychiatric Nurses in Japan. Journal of forensic nursing. 2021
Kayoko Tsunematsu, Atsushi Asai. Analysis of “care” and “justice” involved in moral reasoning of nurse based on the Gilligan theory: A literature review using the Gilligan’s protocol. Open Journal of Nursing. 2014. 04. 02. 101-109
2016/09 - The International Association of Forensic Nursing Science & Practice, Denver, 2016. Award Best International. Ethical Issues Encountered by Forensic Psychiatric Nurses In Japan.
所属学会 (5件):
日本フォレンジック看護学会 役員
, International Association of Forensic Nurses
, 日本フォレンジック看護学会
, 日本看護倫理学会
, 日本生命倫理学会