Koichi Kagitani, Yasunobu Tomoda. Foreign macroeconomic conditions and antidumping actions: evidence from the USA. International Economics and Economic Policy. 2022. 19. 863-883
Koichi Kagitani, Kozo Harimaya. Does international trade competition influence candidates and voters? The case of Japanese Lower House elections. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies. 2020. 57
Koichi Kagitani, Kozo Harimaya. Constituency systems, election proximity, special interests and a free trade agreement: the case of the Trans-Pacific Partnership in Japan. International Economics and Economic Policy. 2020. 17. 897-922
“Electoral rules and free trade agreements as a campaign issue: The case of political disputes over the Trans-Pacific Partnership in Japan”. Japan and the World Economy. 2019. 49. 126-137
Kozo Harimaya and Koichi Kagitani. "Performance of agricultural cooperative banks in Japan: Difference between stock and flow output variables". Agricultural Finance Review. 2019. 80. 1. 38-50