1979 - Reduction of NOx and Particulates in Diesel Engines
1967 - 遠心送風機における圧力損失および不安定流動に関する研究
1967 - Pressure Losses and Unstable Flow in Centrifugal Blowers
MISC (179件):
“Effect of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on Combustion in a HCCI Engine Fueled with DME/Natural Gas”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Vehicles Alternative Fuel Systems & Environmental Protection (VAFSEP 2006)、edited by Abdul Ghani Olabi,Dublin City University,Ireland. 2006. Paper No.133. 1-6
“Effect of EGR on Misfire and Knock Limits in DME/Natural-gas HCCI Combustion”. Proceeding of the 9th Joint Symposium of Nagasaki University and Cheju National University on Science and technology (JSST2006), Nagasaki,Japan. 2006. 40-43
“Verification of Breakup Models of Diesel Fuel Spray Based on L2F Measurement”. Proceeding of the 9th Joint Symposium of Nagasaki University and Cheju National University on Science and technology (JSST2006), Nagasaki,Japan. 2006. 44-47
“Effect of Pre-whirl on Unstable Flow Suppression in a Centrifugal Impeller with Ring Groove Arrangement”. Proceedings of GT2006,ASME Turbo Expo 2006: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Barcelona,Spain. 2006. ASME Paper No.GT2006-90400. 1-9