- 2003 - 排卵に関与する遺伝子の動態の検索による排卵機構の解明
- 2003 - Analysis of ovulatory mechanism by clarification of genetic dynamics involving ovulation
- 環境の変化(低酸素状態)に伴う, 肝細胞内ショック蛋白の誘導機序
- 虚血性急性腎不全
- 肝チトクロームP-450と麻酔薬代謝低酸素下での吸入麻酔による肝細胞の経時的変化
- 環境の変化(低酸素状態)に伴う, 肝細胞内ショック蛋白の誘導機序
- 虚血性急性腎不全
- 肝チトクロームP-450と麻酔薬代謝低酸素下での吸入麻酔による肝細胞の経時的変化
- Induction of hepatic shock protein following hypoxia
- Ischemic acute renal failure
- Metabolism of anesthetics by liver cytochvome P-450 Hepatocytes Change after anesthetics exposure under hypoxia
- Induction of hepatic shock protein following hypoxia
- Ischemic acute renal failure
- Metabolism of anesthetics by liver cytochvome P-450 Hepatocytes Change after anesthetics exposure under hypoxia