Takahashi, K., Kinoshita, K., Komyama, K., Yamamototo, Y. & Yoshimura, I. Chemical constituents from lichens for pharmaceutical and industrial uses. IAL5 Book of Abstracts. Lichens in Focus. Univ. Tartu. 2004. Tartu: 74-75
Fujiwara, A., Hara, K., Yamamoto, Y., & Yoshimura, I. Molecular phylogenetic study on the genus Anzia and some allied genera. Randlane, T. & Saag, A. (ed.). IAL5 Book of Abstracts. Lichens in Focus. Univ. Tartu. 2004. Tartu: 14
Isolation and culture of lichen photobionts and mycobionts
Springer Verlag Berlin. Protocols in Lichenology 2002
Isolation and culture of lichen photobionts and mycobionts
Springer Verlag Berlin. Protocols in Lichenology 2002
The ┣DBLobaria(/)-┫DB in Latin America : Taxonomic, geographic, and evolutionary aspects.
Lichenology in Latin America ; history, current knowledge and applications 1998
Vainio and Lobaria, old and modern concepts
Re-collecting Edvard August Vainio 1998
Lung lichens and their vegetation in Japan and the other regions.
Lobarion Lichens as indicators of the primeval forests of the Eastern Carpathians 1998
2002 - The Japanese Society for Lichenology President
1981 - 1987 国際地衣学会 評議員
1981 - 1987 International Lichenological Society Councilor(members-at-large)
受賞 (2件):
1971 - 宮崎県文化賞
1971 - Culture Prize of Miyazaki-ken
所属学会 (10件):
, アメリカ蘚苔地衣学会
, 国際地衣学会
, 日本植物学会
, 日本地衣学会
, British Lichenological Society
, American Bryological & Lichenological Society
, International Lichenological Society
, The Botanical Society of Japan
, The Japanese Society for Lichenology