研究キーワード (2件):
Theoretical biology Evolution theory
, 理論生態学 進化生物学 保全生物学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (5件):
2011 - 2015 環境変化に対する生物群集の応答と機能形質動態に関する数理生態学的研究
2007 - 2008 保全生態学・生物経済学・生態毒性学における進化理論の導入
2005 - 2008 野生メダカ個体群の絶滅確率による有害化学物質の生態リスク評価
論文 (64件):
Yoshinari Tanaka, Masafumi Yoshino. Eco-evolutionary feedback as a driver of periodic state shifts in tri-trophic food chains. Theoretical Ecology. 2023. 37. 1001-1020
Nguyen Hai Doan, Hanh Thi Duong, Ha Thu Trinh, Yoshinari Tanaka, Kiwao Kadokami. Comprehensive study of insecticides in atmospheric particulate matter in Hanoi, Vietnam: Occurrences and human risk assessment. Chemosphere. 2021. 262. 128028-128028
Oumer, A. K, Tanaka, Y, Nobuhiro, S, Watanabe, H, Ayato, K. Phytoremediation as a complement for the existing technological limitations of water reclamation centers in removing nutrients and heavy metals: The case of Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies. 2020. 4. 9. 13-34