J-GLOBAL ID:200901024992444228   更新日: 2022年08月26日


エドワーズ ウォルター | Edwards Walter
ホームページURL (1件): http://www.geocities.jp/pwswf846/
研究分野 (1件): 考古学
研究キーワード (6件): 現代社会 ,  歴史観 ,  考古学 ,  modern Japanese society ,  Japanese historical consciousness ,  Japanese archaeology
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 日本における歴史観と国民アイデンティティーとの関係
  • Historical perspectives and national identity
MISC (36件):
  • 平成における神武天皇-神武天皇成績顕彰碑の現状-. 天理大学学報. 2007. 214. 89-110
  • Emperor Jimmu in the Heisei era: The current condition of the Emperor Jimmu sacred site monuments [in Japanese]. Tenri University Journal. 2007. 214. 89-110
  • In Capital, Countryside in Ja, ed. Joan, R. Piggott. Ithaca, New York, Cornell East Asia Series. (As translator, with annotations plus an Introduction) "Treatise on Duplicate Mirrors," by Kobayashi Yukio. 2006
  • In Capital, Countryside in Ja, ed. Joan, R. Piggott. Ithaca, New York, Cornell East Asia Series. (As translator, with annotations plus an Introduction) "Early State Formation in Japan," by Tsude Hiroshi. 2006
  • (As translator, with annotations plus an Introduction) "Treatise on Duplicate Mirrors," by Kobayashi Yukio. In Capital and Countryside in Japan, 500-1200, ed. Joan R. Piggott. Ithaca, New York: Cornell East Asia Series, pp. 54-76. 2006
書籍 (6件):
  • Japanese Archaeology and Cultural Properties Management: Prewar Ideology and Postwar Legacies
    Robertson, Jennifer, ed., A Companion to the Anthropology of Japan. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 2005
  • Japanese Archaeology and Cultural Properties Management: Prewar Ideology and Postwar Legacies
    Robertson, Jennifer, ed., A Companion to the Anthropology of Japan. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 2005
  • Monuments to an Unbroken Line: The Imperial Tombs and the Emergence of Modern Japanese Nationalism.
    Susan Kane, ed., The Politics of Archaeology and Identity in a Global Context. Archaeological Institute of America 2003
  • Monuments to an Unbroken Line: The Imperial Tombs and the Emergence of Modern Japanese Nationalism.
    Susan Kane, ed., The Politics of Archaeology and Identity in a Global Context. Archaeological Institute of America 2003
  • Modern Japan through its Weddings: Gender, Person, and Society in Ritual Portrayal
    Stanford University Press 1989
Works (8件):
  • 宮崎県高原町日守遺跡における地下式横穴墓のレーダー探査への参加
    1997 -
  • Participation in the investigation of sub-terranean chamber tombs at the Himori Site in Takaharu-cho, Miyazaki Prefecture
    1997 -
  • 宮崎県西都原古墳群での地下式横穴墓発掘調査への参加
    1996 -
  • Participation in the archaelogical investigation of a subterranean chamber tomb, Saitobaru Tomb Cluster Site, Miyazaki
    1996 -
  • 登呂遺跡の研究史に関する研究
    1986 - 1987
学歴 (4件):
  • - 1984 コーネル大学大学院 人類学 文化人類学
  • - 1984 CORNELL UNIVERSITY Anthropology cultural Anthropology
  • - 1971 コーネル大学 人文学部 人類学
  • - 1971 Cornell University Faculty of Humanities Anthoropology
学位 (2件):
  • 博士号
  • M. A.
経歴 (1件):
  • 天理大学 国際学部 教授
所属学会 (6件):
東アジア考古学会(Society for East Asian Archaeology) ,  日本文化財探査学会 ,  日本考古学協会 ,  Society for East Asian Archaeology ,  Archaeological Prospection Society of Japan ,  Japanese Archaeological Association
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