Yoshie Yamamori. “The Effect of Present Activity Verbs on Processing Structural Ambiguity in Japanese Garden-path Sentences”. Gabriella Airenti, Bruno G. Bara and Guiulio Sandini (eds) Proceedings of the EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science. 2015. 526-531
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“Presupposition and implicature in chimerical conditionals”
(Workshop on Ambiguity: Perspectives on representation and solution, ESSLLI (30th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information) 2018)
Sequence of Tense と名詞修飾節におけるタ形の形容詞的解釈について
(第34回日本認知科学会 2017)
(第33回日本認知科学会 2016)
(The 9th International Conference on Practical Linguistics of Japanese (ICPJL9) 2016)
The distributional patter of -ru and -ta form of stative verbs and semantic constraints
(The 9th International Conference on Practical Linguistics of Japanese (ICPJL)9 2016)