Reduction of Frictional Resistance by Microbubbles
Utilization of Cavitation
MISC (300件):
Controlling the Size of Microbubbles for Prag Reduction. 3nd Symposium on Smart Cortrol of Turbulence, University of Tokyo. 2002. 121-128
Controlling the Size of Microbubbles for Prag Reduction. 3nd Symposium on Smart Cortrol of Turbulence, University of Tokyo. 2002. 121-128
Optical Measurements of microbubbles in the Boundary Layer of a Ship Hull and in a Flow Channel. 1st International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information. 2001
Structure of Cloud Cavity on a Foil. 4th International Symposium on Cavitation, CIT, Pasadena. 2001. http:. /
On the Collapsing Behavior of Cavition Bubble Clusters. 4th International Symposium on Cavitation, CIT, Pasadena. 2001. http:. /
Frictional Drag Reduction by Injecting Bubbly Water into Turbulent Boundary Layer and The Effect of Plate Orientation(共著)
Advances in Multiphase Flow, ICMF'95, Kyoto, Elesevier Science B. V.