2009 - 2010 Assess if mast seeding in temperate forest trees is carbon limited, by tracing 13C labeled mobile carbon reserves in fruiting trees of three different species
2006 - 2010 地球温暖化が農林水産業に及ぼす影響の評価と高度対策技術の開発
2006 - 2010 Responses of Cool Temperate Forest to Global Warming
Huixing Kang, Yuan Yu, Xinran Ke, Hajime Tomimatsu, Dongliang Xiong, Louis Santiago, Qingmin Han, Reki Kardiman, Yanhong Tang. Initial stomatal conductance increases photosynthetic induction of trees leaves more from sunlit than from shaded environments: A meta-analysis. Tree physiology. 2024
Valentin Journé, Michał Bogdziewicz, Benoit Courbaud, Georges Kunstler, Tong Qiu, Marie-Claire Aravena Acuña, Davide Ascoli, Yves Bergeron, Daniel Berveiller, Thomas Boivin, et al. The Relationship Between Maturation Size and Maximum Tree Size From Tropical to Boreal Climates. Ecology Letters. 2024. 27. 9
Qingmin Han, Daisuke Kabeya, Yoshiyuki Inagaki, Kyotaro Noguchi, Kazumichi Fujii, Akiko Satake. Fruiting phenology uncoupled from seasonal soil nitrogen supply in masting Fagus crenata trees. Plant and Soil. 2024
Tong Qiu, Marie-Claire Aravena, Davide Ascoli, Yves Bergeron, Michal Bogdziewicz, Thomas Boivin, Raul Bonal, Thomas Caignard, Maxime Cailleret, Rafael Calama, et al. Masting is uncommon in trees that depend on mutualist dispersers in the context of global climate and fertility gradients. Nature Plants. 2023. 9. 7. 1044-1056
Qingmin Han, Daisuke Kabeya, Yoshiyuki Inagaki, Tatsuro Kawasaki, Akiko Satake. Carbon use strategies in shoot and acorn growth of two evergreen broadleaf trees unraveled by seasonal carbohydrate measurements and carbon isotope analysis. Tree Physiology. 2023
- 1996 the United Graduate School of Agriculture Science, Gifu University, Japa
- 1986 北京林業大学
学位 (1件):
経歴 (2件):
2018/04 - 現在 森林総合研究所 植物生態研究領域 物質生産研究室室長
2016/04 - 2018/03 森林総合研究所 植物生態研究領域 チーム長
委員歴 (7件):
2021 - 現在 Editorial Board, Forestry Research
2015/09 - 現在 Trees - Structure and Function Editorial Board
2008 - 現在 Tree Physiology Editorial Review Board
2016/04 - 2018/03 Editorial Board, Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research institute
2012/11 - 2014/12 北方林業編集委員
2012 - 2014 Journal of Forest Research Editorial Board
2006 - 2008 Journal of Forest Research Editoral Board
受賞 (3件):
2015/03 - 日本生態学会 大島賞
2013/03 - 日本森林学会 日本森林学会賞
2011/03 - 日本森林学会 Journal Forest Research論文賞(共著者)
所属学会 (7件):
, 日本生態学会
, 日本森林学会
, Tree Physiology
, The Japanese Association for Photosynthesis Research
, The Ecological Society of Japan
, Japanese Forest Society