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tRNA splicing and intracelluler dynamics
論文 (45件):
Sachiko Hayashi, Kazumi Iwamoto, Tohru Yoshihisa. A non-canonical Puf3p-binding sequence regulates CAT5/COQ7 mRNA under both fermentable and respiratory conditions in budding yeast. PLOS ONE. 2023. 18. 12. e0295659-e0295659
Sachiko Hayashi, Masaya Matsui, Ayano Ikeda, Tohru Yoshihisa. Six identical tRNATrpCCA genes express a similar amount of mature tRNATrpCCA but unequally contribute to yeast cell growth. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry. 2022. 86. 10. 1398-1404
Sachiko Hayashi, Kazumi Iwamoto, Tohru Yoshihisa. Puf3p facilitates fermentative mitochondrial functions via monosome-enriched nuclear-encoded mitochondrial mRNAs in budding yeast. 2022
Akihisa Nagai, Kohei Mori, Yuma Shiomi, Tohru Yoshihisa. OTTER, a new method quantifying absolute amounts of tRNAs. RNA (New York, N.Y.). 2021. 27. 5. 628-640
Yasuko Matsuki, Yoshitaka Matsuo, Yu Nakano, Shintaro Iwasaki, Hideyuki Yoko, Tsuyoshi Udagawa, Sihan Li, Yasushi Saeki, Tohru Yoshihisa, Keiji Tanaka, et al. Ribosomal protein S7 ubiquitination during ER stress in yeast is associated with selective mRNA translation and stress outcome. Scientific Reports. 2020. 10. 1. 19669-19669