村上 英樹, Yukari Matsuse. Dynamics of product lifecycle and sea/air modal choice: Japan’s evidence of import and export. The 6th International Conference of Shipping and Logistics - Susutainability of Shipping and Logistics -, ICASL2013. 2013. pp.77-94
村上 英樹. Dynamic Effect of Low-Cost Entry on the Conduct Parameter: An Early-Stage Analysis of Southwest Airlines and America West Airlines. Modern Economy. 2013. Vol.4. No.4. pp.281-292
The Dynamic effect of Low-Cost Entry on Conduct parameter and Total Welfare
(13th Air Transport Research Society Conference 2009)
The Dynamic effect of Low-Cost Entry on Conduct parameter and Total Welfare
(日本海運経済学会関西部会 2009)
Market Performance of Low-cost Entry in Airline Industry: A Case of Two Major Japanese Markets
(International Conference for Launching the Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 2008)
Static and dynamic analysis of inter-firm rivalry between US LCCs and full service carriers
(日本交通学会関西部会 2008)
2013/08 - Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics ICASL2013 Best Paper Prize Dynamics of product lifecycle and sea
2012/08 - 日本海運経済学会・韓国海運物流学会 日本海運経済学会・韓国海運物流学会国際交流賞 "An empirical analysis of the effect of multimarket contacts on US air carriers’pricing behaviors," Singapore Economic Review,56(4), pp.593-600.
2011/10 - 日本海運経済学会 日本海運経済学会論文賞 Time effect of low-cost carrier entry and social welfare in US large air markets
2008/10 - STX Scholarship Foundation, Korean Association of Shipping and Logistics STX PRIZE Market Performance of Low-cost Entry in Airline Industry: A Case of Two Major Japanese Markets
2002/09 - 日本海運経済学会・韓国海運学会 日本海運経済学会・韓国海運学会交流ベストペーパー賞 An Economic Analysis of Duopolistic Competition Between Gulliver and Dwarf Airlines: The Case of Japanese Domestic Air Markets
所属学会 (4件):
World Conference on Transportation Research Society
, Air Transport Research Society
, 日本海運経済学会
, 日本交通学会