Shirori Takenaka, Jousuke Kuroiwa and Tomohiro Odaka. Two genre classification of japanese literary works written by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa and Kenji Miyazawa based on word vectors. NOLTA, IEICE. 2023. E14-N. 2. 428-435
Shota Nakayama, Jousuke Kuroiwa and Tomohiro Odaka. Dynamical Features of Rule Sequences of One Dimensional Cellular Automata with Two States and Three Neighbors which Realize the Description of Digital Sound Data. NOLTA, IEICE. 2023. 14. 2. 458-465
Shota Nakayama, Kyogo Yamanada, Jousuke Kuroiwa, Tomohiro Odaka and Izumi Suwa. Rule Dynamics of Cellular Automata Realizing Losslees Compression Description of Digital Sound. Proc. of NOLTA2022. 2022. 188-191
Yuma Matsui, Jousuke Kuroiwa, Tomohiro Odaka and Izumi Suwa. Posture Determination Method for Muscular Exercise Support System. Proc of NOLTA2022. 2022. 359-362
Motoharu Nakajima, Jousuke Kuroiwa, Tomohiro Odaka and Izumi Suwa. Biometric Authentication based on Unconscious Arm Swing Action with Acceleration Sensor. Proc of NOLTA2022. 2022. 363-366
R.Terai, J.Kuroiwa, T.Odaka, I.Suwa, H.Shirai. Description Ability of Sound with Three-Rules Set of One Dimensional Cellular Automata with Two States and Three Neighbors. Proccedings of 2014 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications. 2014. 136-139-139
H.Hatano, J.Kuroiwa, T.Odaka, I.Suwa, H.Shirai. Effectivity of Randomness in Memory Patterns of Recurrent Neural Network Model. Proceedings of 2014 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications. 2014. 524-527-527