研究キーワード (7件):
, 東アジアにおける領土問題
, 国際関係論におけるナショナル・アイデンティティ
, Japan's International Relations
, Territorial Disputes
, International Relations of East Asia
, National Identities and International Relations
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
2011 - 2012 北方領土問題に見るナショナルと地方アイデンティティとの相互作用と対立
2009 - 2010 日ロ関係に見る両国の国民アイデンティティ
National Identity in Russo-Japanese Relations
論文 (2件):
Alexander Bukh. Russia's Image and Soft Power Resources in Southeast Asia: Perceptions among Young Elites in Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. CONTEMPORARY SOUTHEAST ASIA. 2016. 38. 3. 445-475
Alexander Bukh. Shimane Prefecture, Tokyo and the territorial dispute over Dokdo/Takeshima: regional and national identities in Japan. PACIFIC REVIEW. 2015. 28. 1. 47-70
MISC (26件):
Alexander Bukh. JAPANESE AND RUSSIAN POLITICS: Polar Opposites or Something in Common? Asia Today. PACIFIC AFFAIRS. 2017. 90. 1. 143-144
Russian Perceptions of Japan and China in the Aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution: A Comparative Case Study of Boris Pil’niak’s Travelogue. RoutledgeJournal of Border Studies. 2012
Reception of the Revisionist Historical Manga in Japan. RoutledgeInter-Asia Cultural Studies. 2012