Aad, G., Abbott, B., Abeling, K., Abicht, N. J., Abidi, S. H., Aboulhorma, A., Abramowicz, H., Abreu, H., Abulaiti, Y., Acharya, B. S., et al. Measurement of ZZ production cross-sections in the four-lepton final state in pp collisions at √s=13.6 TeV with the ATLAS experiment. PHYSICS LETTERS B. 2024. 855
Aad, G., Aakvaag, E., Abbott, B., Abeling, K., Abicht, N. J., Abidi, S. H., Aboulhorma, A., Abramowicz, H., Abreu, H., Abulaiti, Y., et al. Measurement of the V H, H → ττ process with the ATLAS detector at 13 TeV. PHYSICS LETTERS B. 2024. 855
Aad, G., Aakvaag, E., Abbott, B., Abeling, K., Abicht, N. J., Abidi, S. H., Aboulhorma, A., Abramowicz, H., Abreu, H., Abulaiti, Y., et al. Searches for exclusive Higgs boson decays into D*γ and Z boson decays into D0γ and K0sγ in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. PHYSICS LETTERS B. 2024. 855
Aad, G., Abbott, B., Abeling, K., Abicht, N. J., Abidi, S. H., Aboulhorma, A., Abramowicz, H., Abreu, H., Abulaiti, Y., Acharya, B. S., et al. Search for pair-production of vector-like quarks in lepton plus jets final states containing at least one b-tagged jet using the Run 2 data from the ATLAS experiment. PHYSICS LETTERS B. 2024. 854
Aad, G., Abbott, B., Abeling, K., Abicht, N. J., Abidi, S. H., Aboulhorma, A., Abramowicz, H., Abreu, H., Abulaiti, Y., Acharya, B. S., et al. Statistical Combination of ATLAS Run 2 Searches for Charginos and Neutralinos at the LHC. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2024. 133. 3