J-GLOBAL ID:200901028434403987   更新日: 2024年12月18日

難波 哲哉

ナンバ テツヤ | Nanba Tetsuya
職名: 副センター長
ホームページURL (1件): http://www.aist.go.jp/RESEARCHERDB/cgi-bin/worker_detail.cgi?call=namae&rw_id=T06719963
研究分野 (1件): 基礎物理化学
研究キーワード (3件): 自動車排ガス 触媒 ,  Catalyst ,  Automotive exhaust emission
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • ディーゼル排ガス中の粒状物質およびNoxの除去触媒の開発
  • Development of Catalytic Converter system for removal of Diesel Particulate Matter and Nox in Diesel Exhaust
論文 (61件):
  • Masayasu Nishi, Shih-Yuan Chen, Hiroyuki Tateno, Takehisa Mochizuki, Hideyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Nanba. A super-growth carbon nanotubes-supported, Cs-promoted Ru catalyst for 0.1-8 MPaG ammonia synthesis. Journal of Catalysis. 2022
  • Rahat Javaid, Tetsuya Nanba. Effect of preparation method and reaction parameters on catalytic activity for ammonia synthesis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2021. 46. 71. 35209-35218
  • Rahat Javaid, Tetsuya Nanba. Effect of reaction conditions and surface characteristics of Ru/CeO2 on catalytic performance for ammonia synthesis as a clean fuel. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2021. 46. 34. 18107-18115
  • Rahat Javaid, Tetsuya Nanba. Effect of texture and physical properties of catalysts on ammonia synthesis. Catalysis Today. 2021
  • Kakeru Fujiwara, Shogo Kayano, Masahiko Nishijima, Keisuke Kobayashi, Tetsuya Nanba, Taku Tsujimura. Porous NiO prepared by flame spray pyrolysis for 80 wt% Ni-CeO2 catalyst and its activity for CO2 methanation. Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute. 2021. 64. 5. 261-270
MISC (24件):
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