- 1980 - Rb-Sr、Sm-Nd系による年代測定法の確立
- 1980 - Establishment of Dating Methods Using Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Systems
- 1970 - 本州弧における下部地殻の形成と進化
- 1970 - 大陸の進化
- 1970 - 大陸縁辺地域で活動した火成岩の形成に貢献した大陸性,海洋性両リソスフェア,アセノスフェアの関わりあいとそれらの化学的性質の時間的変遷
- 1970 - the development of lower crust beneath the Honshu Arc
- 1970 - the development of continental crust
- 1970 - the chemical transition with time of the continental lithosphere, oceanic lithosphere and asthenosphere which have contributed to the formation