尼崎光洋, 煙山千尋. Application of the Health Action Process Approach to Abnormal Eating Behavior Among Female Athletes. Advancing Sports and Exercise via Innovation. 2023. 169-175
煙山千尋, 尼崎光洋. The Relationship between the Female Athlete Triad and Dependence on Sports Coaches and Stress Responses. Advancing Sports and Exercise via Innovation. 2023. 159-167
尼崎光洋, 煙山千尋, 神力亮太. Health Action Process Approachを用いた手指衛生行動に関する評価尺度の開発--COVID-19 pandemicの前後比較--. 愛知大学体育学論叢. 2023. 30. 21-33