研究キーワード (6件):
, ソリトン
, 離散可積分系
, Ultradiscrete Systems
, Soliton
, Discrete Integrable systems
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
2011 - 2015 超離散可積分系の構築
論文 (10件):
Hidetomo Nagai, Nobuhiko Shinzawa. Mixed soliton solutions for the ultradiscrete BKP equation and its reduction. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 2022. 39. 2. 777-800
長井 秀友. An Ultradiscrete Permanent Solution to the Ultradiscrete Two-Dimensional Toda Equation. 数理解析研究所講究録別冊. 2020. B78. 199-209
Shinsuke Iwao, Hidetomo Nagai. The discrete Toda equation revisited:dual β-Grothendieck polynomial, ultradiscretization and static soliton. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2018. 51. 13
Hidetomo Nagai. New Type of Solutions for the Ultradiscrete Soliton Equations. The Fourth TKU-KMITL Joint Symposium on Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Proceedings. 2014. 51--58