Kayo NAKAMURA, Satoko SHIMIZU, Susumu UMEMOTO, Annette THIERRY, Bernard LOTZ, Norimasa OKUI. Temperature Dependence of Crystal Growth Ratw for α and β Forms of Isotactic Polypropylene. Polymer Journal. 2008. 40. 9. 915-922
Kayo Nakamura, Satoko Shimizu, Susume Umemoto, Annette Thierry, Bernard Lotz, Norimasu Okui. Temperature Dependence of Crystal Growth Rate for alpha and beta Forms of Isotactic Polypropylene. POLYMER JOURNAL. 2008. 40. 9. 915-922
Maximum crystal growth rate and its corresponding state in polymeric materials
Polymer Crystallization Ed.by G.Reiter and J.U.Sommer Springer 2003
Maximum crystal growth rate and its corresponding state in polymeric materials
Polymer Crystallization Ed.by G.Reiter and J.U.Sommer Springer 2003
Precision Polymers and Nano-Organized Systems
Kodansha 2000
Precision Polymers and Nano-Organized Systems
Kodansha 2000
Layer-by-Layer Polycondensation of Nylon-66 with Normal Molecular Orientation by Alternating Vapor Deposition Polymerization
ACS Symposium Series 713 Solvent-Free Polymerization and Processes 1998