研究キーワード (5件):
, 外国語を学ぶ際のリーディング能力の上達方法 -特に語いの発展
, History of Japan's Internationalization
, Development of foreign language reading skills--particularly vocabulary development
競争的資金等の研究課題 (3件):
CALL Vocabulary, Reading + Language Development
Developing and testing vocabulary training methods and materials for Japanese College Students of English as a Foreign Language
MISC (22件):
Combining beneficial strategies from both intensive and extensive reading approaches for more effective and enjoyable language learning. JALT 2004 Conference Proceedings. 2005. 1-15
Surveying Japanese students' use of electronic dictionaries. Seinan Women's University Research Bulletin. 2005. 9. 187-205
Loucky John Paul. Systematically employing a trinity of user-friendly vocabulary assessment tools. JLTA Journal,. 2005. 7. 66-91
Loucky, J. Making a user-friendly vocabulary knowledge scale for Japanese students: Designing and testing a dual assessment vocabulary instructor-evaluator. Kitakyushu: Orio Aishin Tanki Daigaku Ronshu, Kitakyushu, Japan. Orio Joshi Keizai Tanki Taigaku Ronshu. 2005. No. 39. pp. 33-86
Improving Cognitive, Linguistic and Computational Processing of New Vocabulary Using an Online Semantic Field Keyword Approach. Japan Association of Language Teachers CALL Special Interest Group, C@lling Japan. 2004. Vol. 12/1. pp. 7-20.
Loucky, J.P., and Tuzi, F.L. (2010). Comparing foreign language learners’ use of online glossing programs. http://www.igi-global.com/Bookstore/TitleDetails.aspx?TitleId=1134
IJVPLE 1(4) IGI Global 2010
Loucky, J.P. (2010). Designing online reading courses. Seinan JoGakuin University Bulletin, Vol. 14, Pp. 193-209.
Seinan JoGakuin University Bulletin 2010
Loucky, J.P. (2010). Comparing portable electronic dictionary function and use. CALICO Journal. Vol. 28.1, (September 2010).
CALICO Journal 2010
Loucky, J.P., and Tuzi, F.L. (2010). Comparing foreign language learners’ use of online glossing programs. http://www.igi-global.com/Bookstore/TitleDetails.aspx?TitleId=1134
IJVPLE 1(4) IGI Global 2010
Loucky, J.P. (2010). Designing online reading courses. Seinan JoGakuin University Bulletin, Vol. 14, Pp. 193-209.
Seinan JoGakuin University Bulletin 2010
Present on: “Designing Online Reading Courses and Tasks to Maximize Second Language Vocabulary Learning and Use.”
(September 22 at 2nd Annual Task-Based Language Teaching Conference, at U. of Hawaii 2007)
Presented on “In Search of Good Vocabulary Learning Strategies: Facing the Challenge of Improving Low Vocabulary Levels at Japanese Colleges”
(July 7 in Kurume at JACET Kyushu-Okinawa Chapter 2007)
a) 1 1⁄2 hour Workshop in teaching “Integrating CALL and SLVA Research: Collaborative Online Vocabulary and Language Learning Techniques”,b)0’ Seminar on “Integrating Cross-Cultural Collaborative Writing Exchanges with Focused Language Development”,c)40’・・・
(June 2-3 in Tokyo, Waseda University, JALT CALL 2007. CALL: Integration or Disintegration? 2007)
Improving Online Reading and Vocabulary Development: Giving Students Access to Real English and True History.
(KASELE Convention, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto.(November 26, 2006) 2006)
Motivating Language Learning Collaboration and Community Through Extensive Online Reading.
(Extensive Reading Forum, JALT National Convention, International Convention Center, Kitakyushu. (Also edited entire Forum for Proceedings publication.)(Nov. 3, 2006) 2006)
Loucky, J.P. (2007). How to improve comprehension of any text using online tools. In “Extensive Reading Forum: Motivation and community through extensive reading.” Online in JALT 2006 Conference Proceedings: Community, Identity, Motivation Conference. ・・・
2007 -
Loucky, J.P. (March, 2007). Measuring and improving online reading. Reading Matrix Online Conference Presentation and article with Audio PowerPoint Presentation at: http://www.readingmatrix.com/conference/pp/proceedings2007/loucky.pdf.
2007 -
Loucky, J.P. (2006). Author’s abbreviated online version of “Crossing the Kanji Barrier” included in Malaysia’s GEMA Online Journal, GEMA at: http://www.fpbahasa.ukm.my/PPBL/When%20Eastern%20And%20Western%20Language%20Systems%20Meet%20(GEMA).pdf.
2006 -
学位 (1件):
Masters of Science in Reading Education; Masters of Professional Studies