T.T.T. Nguyen, N. Taniguchi, M. Nakajima, U. Na-Nakorn, N. Sukumasavin, K. Yamamoto. Aquaculture of sea-pineapple, Halocynthia roretzi in Japan. Aquaculture Asia. 2007. 12. 2. 21-23
Genetic Differentiation and Relationship within and between Natural and Cultured Populations of Oncorhynchus masou(/)- Complex in Japan
講演・口頭発表等 (92件):
(第二回観賞魚育種シンポジウム、水産育種研究会 2016)
Genetic effect of release of artificial seed for restration on genetic resources of Japanese char Salverinus leucomaenis in the case of abukuma River
(Joint events of the 22nd International Congress of Zoology and the 87th meeting of Zoological Society of Japan 2016)
(日本水産学会秋季大会 2016)
The efffect of 137Cs expose on mtDNA sequence in Yamane (On chorhynchus masou) in Fukusima
(The 7th World Fisheries Congress 2016Korea 2016)