研究キーワード (6件):
, 社会システム工学
, 知能情報学
, Computer Science
, Social System Engineering
, Intelligent Informatics
競争的資金等の研究課題 (6件):
1990 - 発想支援システムの研究
1990 - Study on Creative Thinking Support System
1986 - グループウェアの研究
1986 - Study on Groupware
1980 - 知識獲得と学習に関する研究
1980 - Study on Knowledge Acquisition and Learning
MISC (150件):
H. Hayashi, T. Maeno, and S. Kunifuji: Comprehension of English Texts corresponding to Physiological Information: For a monitoring module in the English self-leraning support system using the eye movement tracking. ACCE ICCE 2002. 2002