Ryuichi Ishida, Tomoya Okamoto, Fumihiro Motojima, Hiroshi Kubota, Hiroki Takahashi, Masako Tanabe, Toshihiko Oka, Akira Kitamura, Masataka Kinjo, Masasuke Yoshida, et al. Physicochemical properties of the mammalian molecular chaperone HSP60. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018. 19. 2
Sasaki-Kudoh E, Kudo I, Kakizaki Y, Hosaka M, Ikeda S, Uemura S, Grave E, Togashi S, Sugawara T, Shimizu H. Cisplatin Inhibits AhR Activation. American Journal of Molecular Biology. 2018. 8. 69-82
Tomoya Okamoto, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Ikuru Kudo, Kazuya Matsumoto, Masafumi Odaka, Ewa Grave, Hideaki Itoh. HSP60 possesses a GTPase activity and mediates protein folding with HSP10. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2017. 7. 1. 16931
Cisplatin: Pharmacology, Clinical Uses and Adverse Effects
NOVA Scientific Publishers 2012
講演・口頭発表等 (6件):
Structure and functions of mammalian HSP60 and HSP10
(18th International Conferance on Stractural Biology 2019)
Identification and purification of the anticancer, antimicrobial, and antivirus peptide from Japanese fermented foods
(Food Teck 2018 2018)
(2018年度日本農芸化学会大会シンポジウム 2018)
Identification and purificationof the anticancer, antimicrobial, and antivirus peptide from
(International Conference on Fermentation. 2014)
70-kDa Molecular Chaperone HSP70 Is a Direct Target of Antibiotic Gentamicin
(5th International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy (ICDDT) 2013 2013)