2003 - Low-emission Urban Structure in Snowy Region
1995 - 領域内流動に関する研究
1995 - Traffic Flow Theory
MISC (19件):
Analysis of Factors Influencing Learning Outcomes in Active Learning and the Process of Outcome AttainmentAnalysis of Factors Influencing Learning Outcomes in Active Learning and the Process of Outcome Attainment. 商学討究. 2021. 71. 4. 105-126
2001 - 2003 Research Associate, University of Tsukuba
2003 - 小樽商科大学 商学部 助教授
2003 - - Associate Professor, Otaru University of Commerce
所属学会 (6件):
, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会
, 日本都市計画学会
, The Geographic Information Systems Association
, The Operations Research Society of Japan
, The City Planning Institute of Japan