Research and activities in periodontal disease prevention and health promotion in a community
Brushing the crown and the abutment teeth
Submandibular-sublingual salivary proteins which promote the adhesion of #IDBStreptococcus(/)-#IRDB #IDBmutans(/)-#IRDB to tooth enamel(Purification and characterization)
Rodriguez AP, Inoue M, Tsujigiwa H, Hailong H, Kishimoto E, Gunduz M, Nagatsuka H, Akao M, Nagai N. Characterization of CaTiO3-aC prepared by modified thermal decomposition method. Proceedings ISACB. 2008. 210-213
Effect of carbon in CaTiO3 materials on cell proliferation and differentiation for medical application.
(The 4th International Symposium on Apatite and Correlative Biomaterials 2008)
A preliminary comparative study of CaTiO3 prepared by different methods
(第17回硬組織再生生物学会学術大会・総会 2008)