2007 - 2009 Study of the Grammar of the Itbayat Language in the Philippines, Dictionary Making, Itbayat Chronicle
MISC (21件):
An Itbayat Chronicle-with the compiler's field notes. Batanes Islands and Taiwan, Essays in Honor of Prof. Yukihiro Yamada on His Seventieth Birthday. 2005. 3-163
言語の文字化と文化の継承. さぎそう 姫路獨協大学附属図書館. 2004. 27. 1-2
Riddles in Itbayat, Batanes, Philippines (with Teofredo A. Gaza). 2004. 66
フィリピン・イトバヤット島地名地図帳(テオフレード A. ガサと共著)(改訂版). 2001. 95