HILL WILLIAM. Book Review: Katherine Beckett and Steve Herbert, "Banished: The New Social Control in Urban America.". The Journal of American and Canadian Studies. 2011. 28. 119-28
HILL WILLIAM. Book Review: Katherine Beckett and Steve Herbert, "Banished: The New Social Control in Urban America.". The Journal of American and Canadian Studies. 2011. 28. 119-28
HILL WILLIAM. "The Inclusiveness of the Sharing of Tobacco in 'Indian Camp'". English Literature and Language. 2008. 44. 99-125
HILL WILLIAM. Book Review: Documenting the Grasslands. The Journal of American and Canadian Studies. 2008. 25. 109-113
HILL WILLIAM. The Footsteps of Monsignor Quixote. Lonely without God: Graham Greene's Quixotic Journey of Faith (Bathesda, MD: Academica Press). 2008. 1-24