2000 - Study on Electrode Reaction of Nitric Oxide
MISC (2件):
The reductive nitrosylation of the water-soluble iron(III) prophyrin:an effect on the electro oxidation of nitric oxide. Analytical Sciences. 2002. 17, i601-i604
The reductive nitrosylation of the water-soluble iron(III) prophyrin:an effect on the electro oxidation of nitric oxide. Analytical Sciences. 2002. 17, i601-i604
学歴 (4件):
- 2002 金沢大学 理学研究科 物質化学
- 2002 金沢大学
- 1997 ロシア国立イルクーツク大学 化学学部 無機化学
- 1997 Irkutsk University, Russia Department of Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry