研究キーワード (6件):
, パルスデトネーションエンジンの基礎研究
, 超音速反応流の数値シミュレーション
, Measurement of chemical reactive flow by laser and spectrometer
, Fundamental Study of SCRAM Jet Engine
, Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Reacting Flow
競争的資金等の研究課題 (10件):
1985 - 爆轟波の消滅と再生成
1985 - Quenching and Reestablishment of Detonation
1980 - 発光スペクトル・マッチング法による分光温度測定
1980 - デトネーションの数値解析
1980 - Numerical Analysis of Detonation
Fundamental Study of Pulse Detonation Engine
Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Reacting Flow
Spectroscopic Temperature Measurement by Emission Spectra-Matching Method
杉村 忠良. Numerical Analysis on Shock wave Behavior propagating in a Channel with multi-cavities. Proceedings, 41st Chube-Kansai Brand Meeting of Japan Society of Aeronautical and Space Sciences. 2004. 73-75
杉村 忠良. Experimental Study on Propagation Behavior of Detonations in a Rectangular Tube. Proceedings, 2004 Meeting of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics. 2004. 23. 316-317