研究キーワード (4件):
A Study of Seamus Heaney
, A Study of Shakespeare
, シェイマス・ヒーニー研究
, シェイクスピア研究
競争的資金等の研究課題 (6件):
Heaney全詩集のGlossarial Concordance作成
Understanding Different Cultures
A Study of Glossarial Concordance to Seamus Heaney
A Study of Shakespeare's New Words and New Word-meanings
MISC (47件):
Reding Heaney-'A Metaphor of the Split Culture of Ulster'(2)-Station Island, The Haw Lantern, Seeing Things, The Spirit Level-. Tottori University Journal of The Faculity of Education and Regional Sciences(Educational Science and the Humanities). 2003. 4. 3. 67-126
Reading Heaney-'A Metaphor of the Split Culture of Ulster'(1)-Death of a Naturalist, Door Into the Dark, Wintering Out, North-. Tottori University Journal of The Faculity of Education and Regional Sciences(Educational Science and the Humanities). 2003. 4. 2. 479-557
A Glossarial Concordance to Seamus Heaney's Death of a Naturalist. Tottori University Journal of The Faculity of Education and Regional Sciences(Educational Science and the Humanities). 2003. 4. 2. 399-478