研究キーワード (2件):
水理学 砂防・河川工学 水資源・水工学一般
, Hydraulics Sabo and river engineering Water resources and hydrotechnical engineering in general
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
1999 - 広島土砂災害時の気象特性と災害危険度予測
1996 - 複断面蛇行河道における流れと河床変動機構に関する解析
MISC (60件):
Accuracy of Discharge Measurements Using Floats in a Compound Meandering Channel : Effect of Platform and Cross-Sectional Shape. Proceeding of the First International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2002. 2002. 127-136
Analysis on fhe flood flow storage in compound meandering channels by using unsteady two dimensional numerical model. Proceedings of the international conference on fluvial hydraulics, River Flow 2002,. 2002. 1. 213-221