Development of a Red Tide Control Ship Equipped with a UV Irradiation System-Preliminary and Field Experiments on Harmful Marine Algae.
(Proc.Intern.Confer.OCEANS'04 MTS/IEEE TECHNO-OCEANS'04 2004)
Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics:Protecting the Aquatic Habitat
(The 27th Congress of the international Association for Hydraulic Research 1997)
A New Technique for Controlling Algal Blooms in the Reservoir Using Vertical Curtains.
(The 27th Congress International Association for Hydraulic Research, Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics:Protecting the Aquatic Habitat 1997)
Suppression of Dinoflagellate Peridinium bipes Bloom in a Reservoir by Ultraviolet Radiation.
(WaterPawer 1995)