Invastigation of non-invasive measurement of temperature during RF hyperthermia.
Radiation Protection and Immunological activity by extracts from plants.
The transcatheter arterial embolization as method of drug retention enhoncement on animal study. arterial ernbolization, Chemotherapy, Anti-Cancer effect.
Immune Activity and Radioprotection Effect for Enterococcus Faecalis (EF2001) Y.Gu,H.Iwasa, T.Hasegawa et al. 2005 Annual Summer Meeting of the Korean Society of Oriental Pathology, August 27 2005, COEX Conference Center, Seoul, KOREA. 2005. Proccedings pp31-39
Enhancement of Hyperthermic Effects Using Rapid Heating.(共著)
Thermotherapy for Neoplasia, Inflammation and Pain. Springer-Verlag. 2001
Effects of Hyperthermia-Induced Changes in pH Value on Tumor Response and Thermotolerance.(共著)
Thermotherapy for Neoplasia, Inflammation, and Pain. Springer-Verlag. 2001
Enhancement of Hyperthermic Effects Using Rapid Heating
Thermotherapy for Neoplasia, Inflammation and Pain,Ed by M,Kosaka etal 2001
Effects of hyperthermia-Induced changes in pH value on Tumor Response and Thermotolerance.
Thermotherapy foe Neoplasia. Inflammation and Pain Ed by M Kosaka,etal 2001
Enhancement of Hyperthermic Effects Using Rapid Heating
Thermotherapy for Neoplasia, Inflammation and Pain,Ed by M,Kosaka etal 2001
Spermatogenesis function of male mice by Lepidium Meyenil Walp and Epimedium dosage (Autumn Conference and Symposium, Korean Assoc. for Radioprotection, 11/6-7, Daejeon)
2003 -
Radiation Protection Effect of Lyophyllum Decastes sing and Water Extract Propolis. (Autumn Conference and Symposium, Korean Assoc. for Radioprotection, 11/6-7, Daejeon)
2003 -
Radioprotection Effect on Haemopoietic Cell of Echinacea Purpurea (American Harb) (Autumn Conference and Symposium, Korean Assoc. for Radioprotection, 11/6-7, Daejeon)
2003 -
Anti-Cancer Effects in Direct electric Current for the Mechanism. (Autumn Conference and Symposium, Korean Assoc. for Radioprotection, 11/6-7, Daejeon)
2003 -