J-GLOBAL ID:200901043415725093
更新日: 2020年06月09日
嶋田 一夫
シマダ イチオ | Shimada Ichio
独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所 バイオメディシナル情報研究センター
独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所 バイオメディシナル情報研究センター について
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ホームページURL (1件):
MISC (13件):
H Takahashi, M Miyazawa, Y Ina, Y Fukunishi, Y Mizukoshi, H Nakamura, Shimada, I. Utilization of methyl proton resonances in cross-saturation measurement for determining the interfaces of large protein-protein complexes. JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR NMR. 2006. 34. 3. 167-177
Y Mizukoshi, H Takahashi, Shimada, I. Rapid preparation of stable isotope labeled peptides that bind to target proteins by a phage library system. JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR NMR. 2006. 34. 1. 23-30
Masayoshi Sakakura, Hideo Takahashi, Hiroaki Terasawa, Kou Takeuchi, Ikuo Fujii, Ichio Shimada. Backbone Resonance Assignments for the Fv Fragment of Catalytic Antibody 6D9 Complexed with a Transition State Analogue. Journal of Biomolecular NMR. 2005. 33. 4. 282-282
T Nakamura, H Takahashi, K Takeuchi, T Kohno, K Wakamatsu, Shimada, I. Direct determination of a membrane-peptide interface using the nuclear magnetic resonance cross-saturation method. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 2005. 89. 6. 4051-4055
T Ueda, A Kato, S Kuramitsu, H Terasawa, Shimada, I. Identification and characterization of a second chromophore of DNA photolyase from Thermus thermophilus HB27. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 2005. 280. 43. 36237-36243
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