J-GLOBAL ID:200901043465314019   更新日: 2022年10月13日

Rivera Temario

リベラ テマリオ | Rivera Temario
研究キーワード (2件): 1.Politics of Democratization in Southeast Asia. 2. Elections and Political Parties in Southeast Asia. 3. Politics of Armed Movements in the Philippines. ,  1.Politics of Democratization in Southeast Asia. 2. Elections and Political Parties in Southeast Asia. 3. Politics of Armed Movements in the Philippines.
MISC (26件):
  • RIVERA, Temario. フィリピンの社会林業とガバナンスの課題. 西尾隆『分権・ 共生社会の森林ガバナンス-地産地消のすすめ』風行社. 2008. 157-172
  • RIVERA, Temario. 日本フィリピン経済連携協定-開発と環境をめぐる論争. 毛利勝彦『環境と開発のためのグローバル秩序』東進堂. 2008. 81-92
  • RIVERA, Temario. The Community Forestry Experience and Governance Issues in the Philippines. "Forest Governance in a Decentralized Symbiotic Society: Local Product, Local Consumption". 2008. 157-172
  • RIVERA, Temario. Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement: Some Contentious Issues. 2008. 81-92
  • RIVERA, Temario. The Crisis of Philippine Electoral Democracy. "Oligarchic Politics: Elections and the Party-List System in the Philippines, edited by Bobby M. Tuazon. Quezon City: CenPEG Books". 2007. 150-162
書籍 (4件):
  • State of the Nation: Philippines
    Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS-Singapore) 1996 ISBN:9813055340
  • State of the Nation: Philippines
    Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS-Singapore) 1996 ISBN:9813055340
  • Landlords and Capitalists: Class, Family, and State in Philippine Manufacturing
    University of the Philippines Press 1994 ISBN:9718797548
  • Landlords and Capitalists: Class, Family, and State in Philippine Manufacturing
    University of the Philippines Press 1994 ISBN:9718797548
講演・口頭発表等 (28件):
  • Peace Building: Lessons Learned from Conflict Management in the Philippines
    ("Asia Foundation, Tokyo" 2008)
  • "Toward Theories of Peace, Security and Conviviality"
    (ICU-Sophia 28th International Symposium 2008)
  • Peace Building: Lessons Learned from Conflict Management in the Philippines
    ("Asia Foundation, Tokyo" 2008)
  • "Toward Theories of Peace, Security and Conviviality"
    (ICU-Sophia 28th International Symposium 2008)
  • Contending Political Institutions: Presidentialism vs.Parliamentarism
    ("House of Representatives, Philippines" 2006)
学位 (1件):
  • Doctor of Philosophy (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
経歴 (3件):
  • 2010 - 2012 :国際基督教大学 ロータリー平和センター副センター長
  • 2010 - 2012 :Associate Director, Rotary Peace Center, International Christian University
  • 国際基督教大学 教養学部 アーツ・サイエンス学科 国際関係学メジャー 教授
委員歴 (6件):
  • 1993 - 現在 "Editor-in-chief, The Philippine Political Science Journal, 1993 - present"
  • 1993 - 現在 "Editor-in-chief, The Philippine Political Science Journal, 1993 - present"
  • 2004 - "Member, Editorial Board, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin- Madison, 2004 ? present"
  • 2004 - "Member, Editorial Board, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin- Madison, 2004 ? present"
  • "Member, Editorial Board, Kasarinlan, Third World Studies Center, University of the Philippines"
受賞 (4件):
  • 1997 - Outstanding National Book Award (Social Sciences) Manila Critics Circle
  • 1997 - Outstanding National Book Award (Social Sciences) Manila Critics Circle
  • 1996 - Outstanding Publication Book Award, Philippine National Academy of Science and Technology (Social Sciences Category)
  • 1996 - Outstanding Publication Book Award, Philippine National Academy of Science and Technology (Social Sciences Category)
所属学会 (4件):
Association of Asian Studies ,  The Philippine Political Science Association ,  Association of Asian Studies ,  The Philippine Political Science Association
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