J-GLOBAL ID:200901043532946475
更新日: 2024年08月22日
勝浦 創
カツウラ ハジメ | Katsuura Hajime
新居浜工業高等専門学校 生物応用化学科
新居浜工業高等専門学校 生物応用化学科 について
「新居浜工業高等専門学校 生物応用化学科」ですべてを検索
研究分野 (1件):
研究キーワード (2件):
, Physical Chemistry Colloid Chemistry
競争的資金等の研究課題 (3件):
2006 - 2008 ナノ分子集合体をキャリアとする乳化液膜法によるタンパク質の抽出
Study on the interaction between polyelectrolytes and ionic surfactants
論文 (7件):
Hideo Kawamura, Masahiro Manabe, Masako Myoujou, Hajime Katsuura, Masaki Shiomi. Partition Coefficients of 1-Alkanols between Water and DDAB Vesicle Membrane Determined by Differential Conductivity Method. JOURNAL OF OLEO SCIENCE. 2009. 58. 4. 177-184
M Manabe, T Ochi, H Kawamura, H Katsu-ura, M Shiomi, M Bakshi. Volumetric study on the inclusion complex formation of alpha- and beta-cyclodextrin with 1-alkanols at different temperatures. COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE. 2005. 283. 7. 738-746
M Manabe, M Funamoto, F Kohgami, H Kawamura, H Katsuura. Critical composition of ionic-nonionic mixed micelles for counterion condensation. COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE. 2003. 281. 3. 239-245
M Manabe, A Tokunga, H Kawamura, H Katsuura, M Shiomi, K Hiramatsu. The counterion releasing effect and the partition coefficient of branched alkanols in ionic micellar solution. COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE. 2002. 280. 10. 929-935
M Manabe, M Kaneko, T Miura, C Akiyama, H Kawamura, H Katsuura, M Shiomi. Counter ion release of ionic surfactant micelles induced by solubilized amphiphiles: Size effect of a polar head group. BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 2002. 75. 9. 1967-1972
MISC (9件):
H Katsuura, H Kawamura, M Manabe, H Kawasaki, H Maeda. The effect of the heterogeneity of N-isopropylacrylamide-co-styrene sulfonate gel on the binding behavior of an ionic surfactant with the gel. COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE. 2002. 280. 8. 710-715
H Katsuura, H Kawamura, M Manabe, H Kawasaki, H Maeda. The effect of the heterogeneity of N-isopropylacrylamide-co-styrene sulfonate gel on the binding behavior of an ionic surfactant with the gel. COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE. 2002. 280. 8. 710-715
H Katsuura, H Kawamura, M Manabe, H Kawasaki, H Maeda. Binding of a surfactant counterion to low-charge-density poly(acrylic acid) and poly(methacrylic acid). COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE. 2002. 280. 1. 30-37
H Katsuura, H Kawamura, M Manabe, H Kawasaki, H Maeda. Binding of a surfactant counterion to low-charge-density poly(acrylic acid) and poly(methacrylic acid). COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE. 2002. 280. 1. 30-37
H Katsuura, H Kawamura, M Manabe, H Maeda. Interaction of partially ionized poly(acrylic acid) with a surfactant counterion at constant pH values. COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE. 2001. 279. 9. 858-864
学歴 (2件):
- 1997 九州大学 理学研究科 化学
- 1997 九州大学
学位 (2件):
博士(理学) (九州大学)
所属学会 (2件):
, 日本化学会
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