Fumitoshi MIZUTANI, Tomoyasu TANAKA, Noriyoshi NAKAYAMA. Economies of Scale and Scope, Merger Effects, and Ownership Difference: An Empirical Analysis of Universities in Japan. Education Economics. 2024. 32. 6. 882-905
Fumitoshi MIZUTANI. Empirical Analysis of the Factors Behind Rail Infrastructure Investment. Transport Policy. 2024. 150. 244-254
Eri NAKAMURA, Kimitaka NISHITANI, Fumitoshi MIZUTANI. Do Consumers Really Pay for SDGs? Re-Evaluating Consumer Behaviour Using Surveys in the USA, Germany, and Japan. CESifo Economic Studies. 2023. 69. 3. 158-176
Eri NAKAMURA, Fumitoshi MIZUTANI. Organisational Governance Reducing Total Costs in Railway Business: Implications from Japanese Vertically Integrated Private Companies. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy. 2023. 57. 3. 177-198
Takuro TANAKA, Fumitoshi MIZUTANI. Determinants of the Adoption of Energy Efficient Water Heaters in the Residential Sector: Evidence from a Survey in Japan. Energy Policy. 2023. 180. 113688. 1-12
2009 - 現在 Scientific Commission Member, CIRIEC (The International Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy) (https://www.ciriec.uliege.be/en/research/commission-ep/equipe-commission-ep/)
2021/10 - 2023/10 日本交通学会 会長
受賞 (3件):
1998/07 - World Conference on Transport Research Society Public Transport Prize An Assessment of the JR Companies Since Privatization: Performance, Local Rail Service and Debts
1996/11 - 日本交通学会 日本交通学会賞 Japanese Urban Railways: A Private-Public Comparison
1995/06 - 公益事業学会 公益事業学会賞 Japanese Urban Railways: A Private-Public Comparison
所属学会 (5件):
American Economic Association
, World Conference on Transport Research Society
, Regional Science Association International
, 日本交通学会
, 公益事業学会