研究キーワード (6件):
, 随意運動
, 運動調節
, Sensori Motor Integration
, Voluntary Movement
, Motor Control
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
1999 - 運動調節の神経機序
1999 - Neuro physiological mechanisms of motor control
MISC (17件):
Nerve-specific modulation of SEPs during sustained submaximal contraction in the first dorsal interosseous muscles. The 13th Annual congress of the Japanese Society of Exercise and Sports and Physiology. 2003. 81
Moduration of cutaneous Reflexes during sustained submaximal contraction inthe first dorsal interosseous muscles. The 58th Annual Congress of the Japanese society of physiol fitness and sports medicine. 2003. 265
Nerve specificity of cutaneous reflexes in the human intrinsic hand muscle. The 33th Annual Congress of the Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. 2003. 305
, 日本運動生理学会
, 日本臨床神経生理学会
, Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
, Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology
, Japanese Society of clinical Neurophysiology