研究キーワード (3件):
, 運動生理学
, Physiology of Muscular Activity
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
2000 - 2006 女子大生の入学時骨量と生活習慣及び食習慣
2000 - 2006 Bone Density, Life Behavior and Diet Habit in the Freshman Female College Students
MISC (31件):
高坂 美恵子, 劉 幸宇, 須永 美歌子, 小早川 ゆり, 中里 浩一, 高橋 一衛, 圓 吉夫. Importance of the 'bone density' education for college students -Actual situations of Japanese college students and Chinese students studying in Japan-. The Japanese Journal of Safety Education. 2003. 3. 1. 37-46