J-GLOBAL ID:200901045899104791
更新日: 2024年02月14日
FISHER Howard Alan
フィッシャー ハワード アラン | Fisher Howard Alan
研究分野 (3件):
, 言語学
, ヨーロッパ文学
研究キーワード (6件):
, 英語英米文学-映画の歴史
, 英語言語学
, MiddleEastern History
, Film History/Creative Writing
, English Linguistics
競争的資金等の研究課題 (11件):
- 1967 - 2009 語学教室で映画を利用することによる文化交流の実際
- 2003 - 2004 The Evolving Screenplay
- 2002 - 2003 Problems of Language Education in Japan The Evolving Screenplay
- 1982 - 1986 都会の光の下で
- 1975 - Cross-Cultural Factors In Using Film In the Language Classroom
- 学生ラウンジと学生の学習意欲に及ぼす効果
- 1996年夏の映画
- The English Speaking Student Lounge and Its Effect On Student Motivation
- lrag's Component Groupings 1 and 2
- The Summer Films
- Under the City Light
MISC (53件):
Deja Vu. Kansai Time Out. 2000
Movie Going Around the World. Kansai Time Out. 2000
The Djinn's Cry-Reprint. Tantalus. 2000. 2
The Dance of the Snowflakes -Reprint. Fantasy and Folklore USA. 2000
China Finger(For Ryutsu Kagaku University Journal). 1999
書籍 (10件):
'Teaching Film: Marlon Brando and the Ready For Anything Girls', a chepter in I Wouldn't Want Anybody To Know
JPGS Press 2003
'Teaching Film: Marlon Brando and the Ready For Anything Girls', a chepter in I Wouldn't Want Anybody To Know
JPGS Press 2003
The Keep
Fantasy and Folklore USA 2000
A Game For All Reasons
Co-anthored with Matthew Shultz Addison Wesley Publications 1988
Works (62件):
Season of the Witch-movie review-magazine Kansai Time Out
1999 -
Video Tasting-movie review-magazine Kansai Time Out
1999 -
Binging In Bangkok-movie review-magazine Kansai Time Out
1999 -
Tibetan Tales-movie review-magazine movie review-magazine-Kansai Time Out
1999 -
The Forgotten Ones-movie reviwe-magazine movie review-magazine-Kansai Time Out
1999 -
学歴 (5件):
- - 1974 American University in Cairo T.E.F.L
- - 1974 The American University In Cairo Graduate School, Division of Arts and Letters
- - 1972 Harvard University Middle Eastern Studies Middle Eastern Studies
- - 1972 ハーバード大学
- - 1970 Temple University Faculty of Arts and Letters History
学位 (5件):
- 学術修士(中東の歴史) (Harvard University(アメリカ))
- 学術修士(TEFL)
- 学士
- M. A.(The American University In Cairo)
- (B. A.)Temple University
委員歴 (1件):
- 1990 - 1994 Kansai Writers Group Chairman
受賞 (4件):
- 1982 - Second Prize, Mainichi Newspaper Haiku Contest Free Style
- 1972 - The American University In Cairo Fellowship Recipient
- 1970 - Harvard University Fullbright Fellowship Receipient
- 1970 - History Department Award
所属学会 (2件):
Kansai Writers Group